173 Falcon Drive
Woodstock, Ontario Canada N4T 1W5
Phone: 519 290 7194
Jack Rodenburg
Jack Rodenburg
519 532 7194
Harold House
Harold House
519 440 6017
Nicholas Hiemstra
Phone: 905 512 2377

Jack Rodenburg and Harold House each have more than 35 years of experience in dairy extension, providing logical solutions to:

  • freestall barn design for cow comfort and labour efficiency
  • system design and management for robotic milking
  • calf barn design incorporating the best in ventilation
  • improving cow management and housing by observing and analyzing cow behaviour.
  • engineered drawings.

Both are now retired from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and they are working together as the DairyLogix consulting team. They are available to help you with your dairy housing projects wherever you are located in Canada and around the globe.


With our new partner, DesignLogix Engineering, we now offer engineered drawings as part of our services. We welcome Nick Hiemstra to our business!